Welcome to Extending Grace Blog!
Propelled and compelled describe how and why this blog finally came to be. Several years ago, two young ladies and former, Sharonda P. and Lauren G. encouraged me to start something regarding relationships after a few conversations about dating and marriage. Before their encouragement, I knew it was God's calling. I hesitated by the fear of uncertainty that comes with relationships. It takes great courage to advise others, knowing you often face the same struggles. The responsibility is also weighty. I possessed the passion, and it was apparent to those who encoraged me. Those years and experiences, coupled with the calling, propelled me to at least give serious thought to the idea.

Coupled with my passion for relationships is reading and learning Biblical principles. This blog also gives me the liberty to engage others with the foundation of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to build better relationships with God and others. We will engage with scripture for encouragement to walk closer to God and His intended purposes. Together we will discover the joy of serving God and become more self-aware of who we are in Christ. Relationships are the building blocks for each topic explored.
From Pain to Purpose
My experiences in the workplace led me to include workplace relationships. After experiencing difficulties within hostile work environments with supervisors as a public school educator, I self-published my first memoir,
I Ate the Cake: A Journey for Justice. Eight years of ducking and dodging but not without the determination to complete the God-given assignment compelled me to include relationships in the workplace. We are called to be the world's light and let this light shine, never hiding who we are and to Whom we belong. The store tab has the link to purchase. Look for upcoming videos discussing topics and sharing readers' viewpoints and reviews.
The " Making Room" is devoted to prayer and devotions. Encouragements from the Word of God will give us the strength to persevere in God's calling in our lives. I will share some of my prayer journal experiences and new devotions. Because music is also a way of coping for me, I will include links to artists who uplift our spirits through praise. The title of this category was influenced by Jonathan McReynolds' song, I Will Make Room for You. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiycqP-kCKE
Staying the Course
Join me in highlighting Biblical accounts of those who persevered as "favored by God." We will occasionally read memoirs and discuss them under the Perseverance section. Articles and videos discussing of Biblical accounts and other personal accounts will encourage you to continue your course with Christ. So many others have weathered many storms. It is beneficial to see how others strived under pressure and made obstacles their stepping stones.
I cannot commit to many promises, so I have learned to make them with caution. I am committed to using all of what I have gone through, from poor decisions to righteous choices, to encourage you to live God's best life. As often as we connect, I pray that we move towards His perfect will and design for our lives to bear fruit.
Welcome again to Extending Grace blog, and subscribe for weekly updates. Use this blog to encourage others. As this blog grows, I invite you to connect with me by subscribing and leaving comments on posts. I extend the same grace to you that is constantly poured into my hands by God's love as established in 1 Peter 4:10, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
In His Service,
You KNOW I’M excited!!!